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US Amateur Radio - General (Element 3, 2023-2027) Practice Test

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1. - G0A11

What precaution should be taken if you install an indoor transmitting antenna?

APosition the antenna along the edge of a wall to reduce parasitic radiation
BMake sure the antenna is properly shielded
CLocate the antenna close to your operating position to minimize feed-line radiation
DMake sure that MPE limits are not exceeded in occupied areas

2. - G0B12

What is the purpose of a power supply interlock?

ATo shut off the power supply if too much voltage is produced
BTo ensure that dangerous voltages are removed if the cabinet is opened
CTo shut down the unit if it becomes too hot
DTo prevent unauthorized changes to the circuit that would void the manufacturer’s warranty

3. - G1A11

When General class licensees are not permitted to use the entire voice portion of a band, which portion of the voice segment is available to them?

AThe lower frequency portion on frequencies below 7.3 MHz, and the upper portion on frequencies above 14.150 MHz
BThe upper frequency portion
CThe lower frequency portion
DThe upper frequency portion on frequencies below 7.3 MHz, and the lower portion on frequencies above 14.150 MHz

4. - G1B05

Which of the following one-way transmissions are permitted?

AAll these choices are correct
BRegular transmissions offering equipment for sale, if intended for amateur radio use
CUnidentified test transmissions of less than 10 seconds in duration
DTransmissions to assist with learning the International Morse code

5. - G1C09

What is the maximum power limit on the 60-meter band?

A10 watts RMS
BERP of 100 watts PEP with respect to an isotropic antenna
C1500 watts PEP
DERP of 100 watts PEP with respect to a dipole

6. - G1D01

Who may receive partial credit for the elements represented by an expired amateur radio license?

AOnly persons who once held an FCC issued Novice, Technician, or Technician Plus license
BAnyone who held an FCC-issued amateur radio license that expired not less than 5 and not more than 15 years ago
CAny person who previously held an amateur license issued by another country, but only if that country has a current reciprocal licensing agreement with the FCC
DAny person who can demonstrate that they once held an FCC-issued General, Advanced, or Amateur Extra class license that was not revoked by the FCC

7. - G1E02

When may a 10-meter repeater retransmit the 2-meter signal from a station that has a Technician class control operator?

AOnly during an FCC-declared general state of communications emergency
BOnly if the 10-meter repeater control operator holds at least a General class license
COnly if the station on 10-meters is operating under a Special Temporary Authorization allowing such retransmission
DUnder no circumstances

8. - G2A07

Which of the following statements is true of single sideband (SSB)?

ASSB is the only voice mode authorized on the 20-, 15-, and 10-meter amateur bands
BOnly one sideband is transmitted; the other sideband and carrier are suppressed
CSSB is the only voice mode authorized on the 160-, 75-, and 40-meter amateur bands
DOnly one sideband and the carrier are transmitted; the other sideband is suppressed

9. - G2B06

How can you avoid harmful interference on an apparently clear frequency before calling CQ on CW or phone?

ASend the letter “V” in Morse code several times and listen for a response, or say “test” several times and listen for a response
BSend “QRL?” on CW, followed by your call sign; or, if using phone, ask if the frequency is in use, followed by your call sign
CSend “QSY” on CW or if using phone, announce “the frequency is in use,” then give your call sign and listen for a response
DListen for 2 minutes before calling CQ

10. - G2C05

What is the best speed to use when answering a CQ in Morse code?

AAt the standard calling speed of 10 wpm
BThe fastest speed at which you are comfortable copying, but no slower than the CQ
CThe fastest speed at which you are comfortable copying, but no faster than the CQ
DAt the standard calling speed of 5 wpm

11. - G2D07

Which of the following are examples of the NATO Phonetic Alphabet?

AAmerica, Boston, Canada, Denmark
BAlpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta
CAble, Baker, Charlie, Dog
DAdam, Boy, Charles, David

12. - G2E02

What is VARA?

AA radio direction finding system used on VHF and UHF
BA digital protocol used with Winlink
CA DX spotting system using a network of software defined radios
DA low signal-to-noise digital mode used for EME (moonbounce)

13. - G3A01

How does a higher sunspot number affect HF propagation?

ALower sunspot numbers generally indicate greater probability of sporadic E propagation
BHigher sunspot numbers generally indicate a greater probability of good propagation at higher frequencies
CA zero sunspot number indicates that radio propagation is not possible on any band
DA zero sunspot number indicates undisturbed conditions

14. - G3B02

What factors affect the MUF?

ASolar radiation and ionospheric disturbances
BAll these choices are correct
CPath distance and location
DTime of day and season

15. - G3C09

What type of propagation allows signals to be heard in the transmitting station’s skip zone?

AFaraday rotation
DChordal hop

16. - G4A11

Why should the ALC system be inactive when transmitting AFSK data signals?

AAll these choices are correct
BALC will invert the modulation of the AFSK mode
CWhen using digital modes, too much ALC activity can cause the transmitter to overheat
DThe ALC action distorts the signal

17. - G4B03

Which of the following is the best instrument to use for checking the keying waveform of a CW transmitter?

AAn oscilloscope
BA sidetone monitor
CA wavemeter
DA field strength meter

18. - G4C06

What is a possible effect of a resonant ground connection?

AA ground loop
BOverheating of ground straps
CHigh RF voltages on the enclosures of station equipment
DCorrosion of the ground rod

19. - G4D02

How does a speech processor affect a single sideband phone signal?

AIt reduces harmonic distortion
BIt increases peak power
CIt reduces intermodulation distortion
DIt increases average power

20. - G4E06

What is one disadvantage of using a shortened mobile antenna as opposed to a full-size antenna?

AOperating bandwidth may be very limited
BQ of the antenna will be very low
CShort antennas are more likely to cause distortion of transmitted signals
DHarmonic radiation may increase

21. - G5A02

What is reactance?

AOpposition to the flow of direct current caused by resistance
BOpposition to the flow of alternating current caused by capacitance or inductance
CReinforcement of the flow of alternating current caused by capacitance or inductance
DReinforcement of the flow of direct current caused by resistance

22. - G5B12

What is the RMS voltage across a 50-ohm dummy load dissipating 1200 watts?

A346 volts
B245 volts
C173 volts
D692 volts

23. - G5C11

What is the inductance of a circuit with a 20-millihenry inductor connected in series with a 50-millihenry inductor?

A7 millihenries
B70 millihenries
C14.3 millihenries
D1,000 millihenries

24. - G6A07

What are the operating points for a bipolar transistor used as a switch?

AEnhancement and depletion modes
BSaturation and cutoff
CPeak and valley current points
DThe active region (between cutoff and saturation)

25. - G6B05

What is an advantage of using a ferrite core toroidal inductor?

ALarge values of inductance may be obtained
BAll these choices are correct
CThe magnetic properties of the core may be optimized for a specific range of frequencies
DMost of the magnetic field is contained in the core

26. - G7A05

What portion of the AC cycle is converted to DC by a half-wave rectifier?

A180 degrees
B90 degrees
C360 degrees
D270 degrees

27. - G7B11

For which of the following modes is a Class C power stage appropriate for amplifying a modulated signal?

AAll these choices are correct

28. - G7C12

What is the frequency above which a low-pass filter’s output power is less than half the input power?

ARolloff frequency
BCutoff frequency
CNotch frequency
DNeper frequency

29. - G8A04

What emission is produced by a reactance modulator connected to a transmitter RF amplifier stage?

AAmplitude modulation
BPulse modulation
CPhase modulation
DMultiplex modulation

30. - G8B11

What combination of a mixer’s Local Oscillator (LO) and RF input frequencies is found in the output?

AThe arithmetic product
BThe ratio
CThe sum and difference
DThe average

31. - G8C16

Which of the following provide digital voice modes?

ADMR, D-STAR, and SystemFusion
BFT8, FT4, and FST4
CWSPR, MFSK16, and EasyPAL

32. - G9A04

What causes reflected power at an antenna’s feed point?

AOperating an antenna at its resonant frequency
BUsing more transmitter power than the antenna can handle
CFeeding the antenna with unbalanced feed line
DA difference between feed line impedance and antenna feed point impedance

33. - G9B04

What is the radiation pattern of a dipole antenna in free space in a plane containing the conductor?

AIt is a figure-eight off both ends of the antenna
BIt has a pair of lobes on one side of the antenna and a single lobe on the other side
CIt is a figure-eight at right angles to the antenna
DIt is a circle (equal radiation in all directions)

34. - G9C11

What is a beta or hairpin match?

AA section of 300-ohm twin-lead transmission line used to match a folded dipole antenna
BA 1/4 wavelength section of 75-ohm coax in series with the feed point of a Yagi to provide impedance matching
CA series capacitor selected to cancel the inductive reactance of a folded dipole antenna
DA shorted transmission line stub placed at the feed point of a Yagi antenna to provide impedance matching

35. - G9D05

What is an advantage of vertically stacking horizontally polarized Yagi antennas?

AIt narrows the main lobe in elevation
BIt allows simultaneous vertical and horizontal polarization
CIt narrows the main lobe in azimuth
DIt allows quick selection of vertical or horizontal polarization