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US Amateur Radio - General (Element 3, 2023-2027) Practice Test

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1. - G0A03

How can you determine that your station complies with FCC RF exposure regulations?

AAll these choices are correct
BBy calculation based on computer modeling
CBy measurement of field strength using calibrated equipment
DBy calculation based on FCC OET Bulletin 65

2. - G0B13

Where should lightning arrestors be located?

AWhere the feed lines enter the building
BIn series with each ground lead
COn the antenna, opposite the feed point
DAt the closest power pole ground electrode

3. - G1A01

On which HF and/or MF amateur bands are there portions where General class licensees cannot transmit?

A80 meters, 40 meters, 20 meters, and 15 meters
B60 meters, 30 meters, 17 meters, and 12 meters
C160 meters, 60 meters, 15 meters, and 12 meters
D80 meters, 20 meters, 15 meters, and 10 meters

4. - G1B03

Which of the following is a purpose of a beacon station as identified in the FCC rules?

AAll these choices are correct
BObservation of propagation and reception
CTransmission of bulletins of general interest to amateur radio licensees
DAutomatic identification of repeaters

5. - G1C02

What is the maximum transmitter power an amateur station may use on the 12-meter band?

A1500 watts PEP output
B50 watts PEP output
C200 watts PEP output
DAn effective radiated power equivalent to 100 watts from a half-wave dipole

6. - G1D12

When operating a station in South America by remote control over the internet from the US, what regulations apply?

AOnly those of the remote station’s country
BThose of both the remote station’s country and the FCC
CThose of the remote station’s country and the FCC’s third-party regulations
DOnly those of the FCC

7. - G1E02

When may a 10-meter repeater retransmit the 2-meter signal from a station that has a Technician class control operator?

AUnder no circumstances
BOnly during an FCC-declared general state of communications emergency
COnly if the station on 10-meters is operating under a Special Temporary Authorization allowing such retransmission
DOnly if the 10-meter repeater control operator holds at least a General class license

8. - G2A10

Which of the following statements is true of VOX operation versus PTT operation?

AIt allows “hands free” operation
BIt occupies less bandwidth
CThe received signal is more natural sounding
DIt provides more power output

9. - G2B08

What is the voluntary band plan restriction for US stations transmitting within the 48 contiguous states in the 50.1 MHz to 50.125 MHz band segment?

AOnly contacts with stations not within the 48 contiguous states
BOnly SSTV contacts
COnly contacts with other stations within the 48 contiguous states
DOnly digital contacts

10. - G2C04

What does the Q signal “QRL?” mean?

A“Will you keep the frequency clear?”
B“Are you busy?” or “Is this frequency in use?”
C“Are you operating full break-in?” or “Can you operate full break-in?”
D“Are you listening only for a specific station?”

11. - G2D02

Which of the following are objectives of the Volunteer Monitor Program?

ATo provide emergency and public safety communications
BTo coordinate repeaters for efficient and orderly spectrum usage
CTo conduct efficient and orderly amateur licensing examinations
DTo encourage amateur radio operators to self-regulate and comply with the rules

12. - G2E08

In what segment of the 20-meter band are most digital mode operations commonly found?

ABetween 14.070 MHz and 14.100 MHz
BAt the bottom of the slow-scan TV segment, near 14.230 MHz
CIn the middle of the CW segment, near 14.100 MHz
DAt the top of the SSB phone segment, near 14.325 MHz

13. - G3A04

Which of the following are the least reliable bands for long-distance communications during periods of low solar activity?

A30 meters and 20 meters
B80 meters and 160 meters
C15 meters, 12 meters, and 10 meters
D60 meters and 40 meters

14. - G3B11

What happens to HF propagation when the LUF exceeds the MUF?

ADouble-hop propagation along the path is more common
BPropagation via ordinary skywave communications is not possible over that path
CHF communications over the path are enhanced
DPropagation over the path on all HF frequencies is enhanced

15. - G3C08

Why are HF scatter signals in the skip zone usually weak?

ASignals are scattered from the magnetosphere, which is not a good reflector
BPropagation is via ground waves, which absorb most of the signal energy
CPropagation is via ducts in the F region, which absorb most of the energy
DOnly a small part of the signal energy is scattered into the skip zone

16. - G4A13

What is the purpose of using a receive attenuator?

ATo prevent receiver overload from strong incoming signals
BTo reduce the transmitter power when driving a linear amplifier
CTo reduce excessive audio level on strong signals
DTo reduce power consumption when operating from batteries

17. - G4B13

Which of the following can be measured with an antenna analyzer?

APower output from a transmitter
BGain of a directional antenna
CImpedance of coaxial cable
DFront-to-back ratio of an antenna

18. - G4C09

How can the effects of ground loops be minimized?

AAvoid using lock washers and star washers when making ground connections
BBond equipment enclosures together
CConnect the AC neutral conductor to the ground wire
DConnect all ground conductors in series

19. - G4D06

How much change in signal strength is typically represented by one S unit?

A12 dB
B18 dB
C15 dB
D6 dB

20. - G4E07

Which of the following may cause receive interference to an HF transceiver installed in a vehicle?

AAll these choices are correct
BThe battery charging system
CThe control computers
DThe fuel delivery system

21. - G5A05

How does an inductor react to AC?

AAs the frequency of the applied AC increases, the reactance decreases
BAs the amplitude of the applied AC increases, the reactance increases
CAs the frequency of the applied AC increases, the reactance increases
DAs the amplitude of the applied AC increases, the reactance decreases

22. - G5B02

How does the total current relate to the individual currents in a circuit of parallel resistors?

AIt is the sum of the reciprocal of each individual voltage drop
BIt equals the average of the branch currents
CIt equals the sum of the currents through each branch
DIt decreases as more parallel branches are added to the circuit

23. - G5C07

What transformer turns ratio matches an antenna’s 600-ohm feed point impedance to a 50-ohm coaxial cable?

A24 to 1
B3.5 to 1
C144 to 1
D12 to 1

24. - G6A01

What is the minimum allowable discharge voltage for maximum life of a standard 12-volt lead-acid battery?

A8.5 volts
B10.5 volts
C6 volts
D12 volts

25. - G6B01

What determines the performance of a ferrite core at different frequencies?

AIts conductivity
BThe composition, or “mix,” of materials used
CThe ratio of outer diameter to inner diameter
DIts thickness

26. - G7A02

Which of the following components are used in a power supply filter network?

ATransformers and transducers
BCapacitors and inductors
DAll these choices are correct

27. - G7B02

Which of these classes of amplifiers has the highest efficiency?

AClass C
BClass A
CClass B
DClass AB

28. - G7C09

What is the phase difference between the I and Q RF signals that software-defined radio (SDR) equipment uses for modulation and demodulation?

A90 degrees
B45 degrees
C180 degrees

29. - G8A12

What is QPSK modulation?

AModulation using Fast Fourier Transforms to generate frequencies at the first, second, third, and fourth harmonics of the carrier frequency to improve noise immunity
BModulation using quadra-pole sideband keying to generate spread spectrum signals
CModulation using quasi-parallel to serial conversion to reduce bandwidth
DModulation in which digital data is transmitted using 0-, 90-, 180- and 270-degrees phase shift to represent pairs of bits

30. - G8B11

What combination of a mixer’s Local Oscillator (LO) and RF input frequencies is found in the output?

AThe arithmetic product
BThe average
CThe sum and difference
DThe ratio

31. - G8C05

In an ARQ mode, what is meant by a NAK response to a transmitted packet?

AReceiving station connected and ready for transmissions
BPacket was received without error
CRequest retransmission of the packet
DEntire file received correctly

32. - G9A02

What is the relationship between high standing wave ratio (SWR) and transmission line loss?

AHigh SWR reduces the relative effect of transmission line loss
BHigh SWR makes it difficult to measure transmission line loss
CThere is no relationship between transmission line loss and SWR
DHigh SWR increases loss in a lossy transmission line

33. - G9B02

Which of the following is a common way to adjust the feed point impedance of an elevated quarter-wave ground-plane vertical antenna to be approximately 50 ohms?

ACoil the radials
BSlope the radials upward
CSlope the radials downward
DLengthen the radials beyond one wavelength

34. - G9C12

Which of the following is a characteristic of using a gamma match with a Yagi antenna?

AIt does not require the driven element to be insulated from the boom
BIt is useful for matching multiband antennas
CIt does not require any inductors or capacitors
DAll these choices are correct

35. - G9D02

What is the feed point impedance of an end-fed half-wave antenna?

AApproximately 300 ohms
BVery high
CVery low
DApproximately 50 ohms