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US Amateur Radio - Amateur Extra (Element 4, 2020-2024) Practice Test

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1. - E0A09

Which insulating material commonly used as a thermal conductor for some types of electronic devices is extremely toxic if broken or crushed and the particles are accidentally inhaled?

AZinc oxide
BUranium Hexafluoride
CBeryllium Oxide

2. - E1A02

When using a transceiver that displays the carrier frequency of phone signals, which of the following displayed frequencies represents the lowest frequency at which a properly adjusted LSB emission will be totally within the band?

AThe exact lower band edge
B300 Hz above the lower band edge
C3 kHz above the lower band edge
D1 kHz above the lower band edge

3. - E1B01

Which of the following constitutes a spurious emission?

AAn emission outside the signal's necessary bandwidth that can be reduced or eliminated without affecting the information transmitted
BAny transmitted signal that unintentionally interferes with another licensed radio station
CA signal transmitted to prevent its detection by any station other than the intended recipient
DAn amateur station transmission made without the proper call sign identification

4. - E1C11

Which of the following operating arrangements allows an FCC-licensed U.S. citizen to operate in many European countries, and alien amateurs from many European countries to operate in the U.S.?

AAll these choices are correct
BCEPT agreement
CITU reciprocal license
DIARP agreement

5. - E1D01

What is the definition of telemetry?

ATwo-way transmissions of data
BOne-way transmission of measurements at a distance from the measuring instrument
CTwo-way transmissions in excess of 1000 feet
DOne-way transmission that initiates, modifies, or terminates the functions of a device at a distance

6. - E1E02

Who does Part 97 task with maintaining the pools of questions for all U.S. amateur license examinations?

DThe VEs

7. - E1F05

Amateur stations may not transmit in which of the following frequency segments if they are located in the contiguous 48 states and north of Line A?

A440 MHz - 450 MHz
B222 MHz - 223 MHz
C53 MHz - 54 MHz
D420 MHz - 430 MHz

8. - E2A05

What do the letters in a satellite's mode designator specify?

APower limits for uplink and downlink transmissions
BThe polarization of uplink and downlink signals
CThe location of the ground control station
DThe uplink and downlink frequency ranges

9. - E2B07

What is the name of the signal component that carries color information in NTSC video?

BSpectral intensity

10. - E2C07

What is the Cabrillo format?

AThe most common set of contest rules
BA standard for submission of electronic contest logs
CThe rules of order for meetings between contest sponsors
DA method of exchanging information during a contest QSO

11. - E2D06

Which of the following describes a method of establishing EME contacts?

AJudging optimum transmission times by monitoring beacons reflected from the moon
BHigh-speed CW identification to avoid fading
CStoring and forwarding digital messages
DTime synchronous transmissions alternately from each station

12. - E2E12

How do ALE stations establish contact?

AALE radios activate when they hear their signal echoed by back scatter
BALE constantly scans a list of frequencies, activating the radio when the designated call sign is received
CALE radios monitor an internet site for the frequency they are being paged on
DALE radios send a constant tone code to establish a frequency for future use

13. - E3A02

What characterizes libration fading of an EME signal?

AA gradual loss of signal as the sun rises
BA slow change in the pitch of the CW signal
CA fluttery irregular fading
DThe returning echo is several hertz lower in frequency than the transmitted signal

14. - E3B10

Why is chordal hop propagation desirable?

ASignals travel faster along ionospheric chords
BThe signal experiences less loss compared to multi-hop using Earth as a reflector
CThe MUF for chordal hop propagation is much lower than for normal skip propagation
DAtmospheric noise is lower in the direction of chordal hop propagation

15. - E3C13

What type of polarization is best for ground-wave propagation?


16. - E4A07

Which of the following is an advantage of using an antenna analyzer compared to an SWR bridge to measure antenna SWR?

AAntenna analyzers automatically tune your antenna for resonance
BAntenna analyzers do not need an external RF source
CAntenna analyzers display a time-varying representation of the modulation envelope
DAll these choices are correct

17. - E4B02

What is the significance of voltmeter sensitivity expressed in ohms per volt?

AThe full scale reading of the voltmeter multiplied by its ohms per volt rating will indicate the input impedance of the voltmeter
BWhen used as an ohmmeter, the reading in ohms divided by the ohms per volt rating will determine the voltage applied to the circuit
CWhen used as a galvanometer, the reading in volts multiplied by the ohms per volt rating will determine the power drawn by the device under test
DWhen used as an ammeter, the full scale reading in amps divided by ohms per volt rating will determine the size of shunt needed

18. - E4C02

Which of the following receiver circuits can be effective in eliminating interference from strong out-of-band signals?

AA narrow IF filter
BA front-end filter or pre-selector
CA properly adjusted product detector
DA notch filter

19. - E4D04

Which of the following may reduce or eliminate intermodulation interference in a repeater caused by another transmitter operating in close proximity?

AA band-pass filter in the feed line between the transmitter and receiver
BUtilizing a Class D final amplifier
CA properly terminated circulator at the output of the repeater's transmitter
DUtilizing a Class C final amplifier

20. - E4E11

What could cause local AM broadcast band signals to combine to generate spurious signals in the MF or HF bands?

ANearby corroded metal joints are mixing and re-radiating the broadcast signals
BYour station receiver IF amplifier stage is defective
CYou are receiving skywave signals from a distant station
DOne or more of the broadcast stations is transmitting an over-modulated signal

21. - E5A04

What is the magnitude of the impedance of a parallel RLC circuit at resonance?

AApproximately equal to inductive reactance
BHigh compared to the circuit resistance
CLow compared to the circuit resistance
DApproximately equal to circuit resistance

22. - E5B09

What is the relationship between the AC current through a capacitor and the voltage across a capacitor?

AVoltage and current are in phase
BVoltage leads current by 90 degrees
CVoltage and current are 180 degrees out of phase
DCurrent leads voltage by 90 degrees

23. - E5C10

Which point on Figure E5-1 best represents the impedance of a series circuit consisting of a 400-ohm resistor and a 38-picofarad capacitor at 14 MHz?

APoint 6
BPoint 5
CPoint 2
DPoint 4

24. - E5D11

What is the power factor of an RL circuit having a 60-degree phase angle between the voltage and the current?


25. - E6A03

Why does a PN-junction diode not conduct current when reverse biased?

AHoles in P-type material and electrons in the N-type material are separated by the applied voltage, widening the depletion region
BOnly P-type semiconductor material can conduct current
COnly N-type semiconductor material can conduct current
DExcess holes in P-type material combine with the electrons in N-type material, converting the entire diode into an insulator

26. - E6B09

What is a common use for point-contact diodes?

AAs a constant voltage source
BAs a high-voltage rectifier
CAs a constant current source
DAs an RF detector

27. - E6C08

In Figure E6-3, what is the schematic symbol for a NAND gate?


28. - E6D06

What core material property determines the inductance of an inductor?

BThermal impedance

29. - E6E12

Why are DIP through-hole package ICs not typically used at UHF and higher frequencies?

AEpoxy coating is conductive above 300 MHz
BUnsuitable for combining analog and digital signals
CToo many pins
DExcessive lead length

30. - E6F07

What is a solid-state relay?

AA mechanical relay that latches in the on or off state each time it is pulsed
BA device that uses semiconductors to implement the functions of an electromechanical relay
CA relay using transistors to drive the relay coil
DA semiconductor passive delay line

31. - E7A02

What is the function of a decade counter?

AIt decodes a binary number for display on a seven-segment LED display
BIt produces 10 output pulses for every input pulse
CIt decodes a decimal number for display on a seven-segment LED display
DIt produces one output pulse for every 10 input pulses

32. - E7B13

Which of the following describes an emitter follower (or common collector) amplifier?

AA differential amplifier with both inputs fed to the emitter of the input transistor
BA two-transistor amplifier with the emitters sharing a common bias resistor
CAn amplifier with a low impedance output that follows the base input voltage
DAn OR circuit with only one emitter used for output

33. - E7C07

Which describes a Pi-L-network used for matching a vacuum tube final amplifier to a 50-ohm unbalanced output?

AA matching network in which all components are isolated from ground
BA network with only three discrete parts
CA Pi-network with an additional series inductor on the output
DA Phase Inverter Load network

34. - E7D13

What is the equation for calculating power dissipated by a series linear voltage regulator?

AInput voltage divided by output current
BOutput voltage multiplied by output current
CVoltage difference from input to output multiplied by output current
DInput voltage multiplied by input current

35. - E7E09

What occurs when an excessive amount of signal energy reaches a mixer circuit?

AMixer blanking occurs
BA beat frequency is generated
CSpurious mixer products are generated
DAutomatic limiting occurs

36. - E7F13

What is the function of taps in a digital signal processing filter?

ASelect the point at which baseband signals are generated
BProvide incremental signal delays for filter algorithms
CTo reduce excess signal pressure levels
DProvide access for debugging software

37. - E7G09

What will be the output voltage of the circuit shown in Figure E7-3 if R1 is 1000 ohms, RF is 10,000 ohms, and 0.23 volts DC is applied to the input?

A-2.3 volts
B-0.23 volts
C0.23 volts
D2.3 volts

38. - E7H07

How can an oscillator's microphonic responses be reduced?

AReduce noise on the oscillator's power supply
BIncrease the bias voltage
CUse NP0 capacitors
DMechanically isolate the oscillator circuitry from its enclosure

39. - E8A11

Which of the following is a measure of the quality of an analog-to-digital converter?

AReciprocal mixing
BPower factor
CTotal harmonic distortion
DPeak envelope power

40. - E8B10

What is frequency division multiplexing?

ATwo or more information streams are merged into a digital combiner, which then pulse position modulates the transmitter
BThe transmitted signal is divided into packets of information
CTwo or more information streams are merged into a baseband, which then modulates the transmitter
DThe transmitted signal jumps from band to band at a predetermined rate

41. - E8C10

How may data rate be increased without increasing bandwidth?

AIt is impossible
BUsing forward error correction
CUsing a more efficient digital code
DIncreasing analog-to-digital conversion resolution

42. - E8D04

What is the primary effect of extremely short rise or fall time on a CW signal?

ALimits data speed
BMore difficult to copy
CThe generation of RF harmonics
DThe generation of key clicks

43. - E9A07

What is the effective isotropic radiated power of a repeater station with 200 watts transmitter power output, 2 dB feed line loss, 2.8 dB duplexer loss, 1.2 dB circulator loss, and 7 dBi antenna gain?

A632 watts
B63.2 watts
C252 watts
D159 watts

44. - E9B06

What is the elevation angle of peak response in the antenna radiation pattern shown in Figure E9-2?

A25 degrees
B45 degrees
C7.5 degrees
D75 degrees

45. - E9C05

Which of the following is a type of OCFD antenna?

AA folded dipole center-fed with 300-ohm transmission line
BA dipole fed approximately 1/3 the way from one end with a 4:1 balun to provide multiband operation
CA remotely tunable dipole antenna using orthogonally controlled frequency diversity
DA multiband dipole antenna using one-way circular polarization for frequency diversity

46. - E9D06

What happens to the SWR bandwidth when one or more loading coils are used to resonate an electrically short antenna?

AIt is decreased
BIt is unchanged if the loading coil is located at the feed point
CIt is increased
DIt is unchanged if the loading coil is located at a voltage maximum point

47. - E9E11

What is the primary purpose of phasing lines when used with an antenna having multiple driven elements?

AIt allows single-band antennas to operate on other bands
BIt creates a low-angle radiation pattern
CIt ensures that each driven element operates in concert with the others to create the desired antenna pattern
DIt prevents reflected power from traveling back down the feed line and causing harmonic radiation from the transmitter

48. - E9F11

What impedance does a 1/8-wavelength transmission line present to a generator when the line is open at the far end?

AAn inductive reactance
BA capacitive reactance
DThe same as the characteristic impedance of the line

49. - E9G04

What are the two families of circles and arcs that make up a Smith chart?

AResistance and reactance
BResistance and voltage
CReactance and voltage
DVoltage and impedance

50. - E9H04

What is an advantage of placing a grounded electrostatic shield around a small loop direction-finding antenna?

AIt eliminates tracking errors caused by strong out-of-band signals
BIt increases signal strength by providing a better match to the feed line
CIt eliminates unbalanced capacitive coupling to the surroundings, improving the nulls
DIt adds capacitive loading, increasing the bandwidth of the antenna

Figure E5-1

Figure E6-3

Figure E7-3

Figure E9-2