Subelement T1 COMMISSION'S RULES T1A Purpose and permissible use of the Amateur Radio Service; Operator/primary station license grant; Meanings of basic terms used in FCC rules; Interference; RACES rules; Phonetics; Frequency Coordinator T1B Frequency allocations; Emission modes; Spectrum sharing; Transmissions near band edges; Contacting the International Space Station; Power output T1C Licensing: classes, sequential and vanity call sign systems, places where the Amateur Radio Service is regulated by the FCC, name and address on FCC license database, term, renewal, grace period, maintaining mailing address; International communications T1D Authorized and prohibited transmissions: communications with other countries, music, exchange of information with other services, indecent language, compensation for operating, retransmission of other amateur signals, encryption, sale of equipment, unidentified transmissions, one-way transmission T1E Control operator: eligibility, designating, privileges, duties, location, required; Control point; Control types: automatic, remote T1F Station identification; Repeaters; Third party communications; Club stations; FCC inspection Subelement T2 OPERATING PROCEDURES T2A Station operation: choosing an operating frequency, calling another station, test transmissions; Band plans: calling frequencies, repeater offsets T2B VHF/UHF operating practices: FM repeater, simplex, reverse splits; Access tones: CTCSS, DTMF; DMR operation; Resolving operational problems; Q signals T2C Public service: emergency operations, applicability of FCC rules, RACES and ARES, net and traffic procedures, operating restrictions during emergencies, use of phonetics in message handling Subelement T3 RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION T3A Radio wave characteristics: how a radio signal travels, fading, multipath, polarization, wavelength vs absorption; Antenna orientation T3B Electromagnetic wave properties: wavelength vs frequency, nature and velocity of electromagnetic waves, relationship of wavelength and frequency; Electromagnetic spectrum definitions: UHF, VHF, HF T3C Propagation modes: sporadic E, meteor scatter, auroral propagation, tropospheric ducting; F region skip; Line of sight and radio horizon Subelement T4 AMATEUR RADIO PRACTICES T4A Station setup: connecting a microphone, a power source, a computer, digital equipment, an SWR meter; bonding; Mobile radio installation T4B Operating controls: frequency tuning, use of filters, squelch function, AGC, memory channels, noise blanker, microphone gain, receiver incremental tuning (RIT), bandwidth selection, digital transceiver configuration Subelement T5 ELECTRICAL PRINCIPLES T5A Current and voltage: terminology and units, conductors and insulators, alternating and direct current T5B Math for electronics: conversion of electrical units, decibels T5C Capacitance and inductance terminology and units; Radio frequency definition and units; Impedance definition and units; Calculating power T5D Ohm's Law; Series and parallel circuits Subelement T6 ELECTRONIC AND ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS T6A Fixed and variable resistors; Capacitors; Inductors; Fuses; Switches; Batteries T6B Semiconductors: basic principles and applications of solid state devices, diodes and transistors T6C Circuit diagrams: use of schematics, basic structure; Schematic symbols of basic components T6D Component functions: rectifiers, relays, voltage regulators, meters, indicators, integrated circuits, transformers; Resonant circuit; Shielding Subelement T7 PRACTICAL CIRCUITS T7A Station equipment: receivers, transceivers, transmitter amplifiers, receive amplifiers, transverters; Basic radio circuit concepts and terminology: sensitivity, selectivity, mixers, oscillators, PTT, modulation T7B Symptoms, causes, and cures of common transmitter and receiver problems: overload and overdrive, distortion, interference and consumer electronics, RF feedback T7C Antenna and transmission line measurements and troubleshooting: measuring SWR, effects of high SWR, causes of feed line failures; Basic coaxial cable characteristics; Use of dummy loads when testing T7D Using basic test instruments: voltmeter, ammeter, and ohmmeter; Soldering Subelement T8 SIGNALS AND EMISSIONS T8A Basic characteristics of FM and SSB; Bandwidth of various modulation modes: CW, SSB, FM, fast-scan TV; Choice of emission type: selection of USB vs LSB, use of SSB for weak signal work, use of FM for VHF packet and repeaters T8B Amateur satellite operation: Doppler shift, basic orbits, operating protocols, modulation mode selection, transmitter power considerations, telemetry and telecommand, satellite tracking programs, beacons, uplink and downlink mode definitions, spin fading, definition of “LEO”, setting uplink power T8C Operating activities: radio direction finding, contests, linking over the internet, exchanging grid locators T8D Non-voice and digital communications: image signals and definition of NTSC, CW, packet radio, PSK, APRS, error detection and correction, amateur radio networking, Digital Mobile Radio, WSJT modes, Broadband-Hamnet Subelement T9 ANTENNAS AND FEED LINES T9A Antennas: vertical and horizontal polarization, concept of antenna gain, definition and types of beam antennas, antenna loading, common portable and mobile antennas, relationships between resonant length and frequency, dipole pattern T9B Feed lines: types, attenuation vs frequency, selecting; SWR concepts; Antenna tuners (couplers); RF Connectors: selecting, weather protection Subelement T0 SAFETY T0A Power circuits and hazards: hazardous voltages, fuses and circuit breakers, grounding, electrical code compliance; Lightning protection; Battery safety T0B Antenna safety: tower safety and grounding, installing antennas, antenna supports T0C RF hazards: radiation exposure, proximity to antennas, recognized safe power levels, radiation types, duty cycle