Subelement G1 COMMISSION'S RULES G1A General class control operator frequency privileges; primary and secondary allocations G1B Antenna structure limitations; good engineering and good amateur practice; beacon operation; prohibited transmissions; retransmitting radio signals G1C Transmitter power regulations; data emission standards; 60-meter operation requirements G1D Volunteer Examiners and Volunteer Examiner Coordinators; temporary identification; element credit; remote operation G1E Control categories; repeater regulations; third-party rules; ITU regions; automatically controlled digital station Subelement G2 OPERATING PROCEDURES G2A Phone operating procedures: USB/LSB conventions, breaking into a contact, transmitter setup for voice operation; answering DX stations G2B Operating effectively; band plans; drills and emergencies; RACES operation G2C CW operating procedures and procedural signals; Q signals; full break-in G2D Volunteer Monitor Program; HF operations G2E Digital mode operating procedures Subelement G3 RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION G3A Sunspots and solar radiation; geomagnetic field and stability indices G3B Maximum Usable Frequency; Lowest Usable Frequency; short path and long path propagation; determining propagation conditions; ionospheric refraction G3C Ionospheric regions; critical angle and frequency; HF scatter; near vertical incidence skywave (NVIS) Subelement G4 AMATEUR RADIO PRACTICES G4A Station configuration and operation G4B Tests and test equipment G4C Interference to consumer electronics; grounding and bonding G4D Speech processors; S meters; sideband operation near band edges G4E Mobile and portable HF stations; alternative energy source operation Subelement G5 ELECTRICAL PRINCIPLES G5A Reactance; inductance; capacitance; impedance; impedance transformation; resonance G5B The decibel; current and voltage dividers; electrical power calculations; sine wave root-mean-square (RMS) values; PEP calculations G5C Resistors, capacitors, and inductors in series and parallel; transformers Subelement G6 CIRCUIT COMPONENTS G6A Resistors; capacitors; inductors; rectifiers; solid-state diodes and transistors; vacuum tubes; batteries G6B Analog and digital integrated circuits (ICs); microwave ICs (MMICs); display devices; RF connectors; ferrite cores Subelement G7 PRACTICAL CIRCUITS G7A Power supplies; schematic symbols G7B Digital circuits; amplifiers and oscillators G7C Transceiver design; filters; oscillators; digital signal processing (DSP) Subelement G8 SIGNALS AND EMISSIONS G8A Carriers and modulation: AM, FM, and single sideband; modulation envelope; digital modulation; overmodulation; link budgets and link margins G8B Frequency changing; bandwidths of various modes; deviation; intermodulation G8C Digital emission modes Subelement G9 ANTENNAS AND FEED LINES G9A Feed lines: characteristic impedance and attenuation; standing wave ratio (SWR) calculation, measurement, and effects; antenna feed point matching G9B Basic dipole and monopole antennas G9C Directional antennas G9D Specialized antenna types and applications Subelement G0 ELECTRICAL AND RF SAFETY G0A RF safety principles, rules, and guidelines; routine station evaluation G0B Station safety: electrical shock, grounding, fusing, interlocks, and wiring; antenna and tower safety