Subelement E1 COMMISSION RULES E1A Operating Standards: frequency privileges; automatic message forwarding; stations aboard ships or aircraft; power restriction on 630 and 2200 meter bands E1B Station restrictions and special operations: restrictions on station location; general operating restrictions; spurious emissions; antenna structure restrictions; RACES operations E1C Rules pertaining to automatic and remote control; band-specific regulations; operating in, and communicating with foreign countries; spurious emission standards; HF modulation index limit; bandwidth definition E1D Amateur space and Earth stations; telemetry and telecommand rules; identification of balloon transmissions; one-way communications E1E Volunteer examiner program: definitions; qualifications; preparation and administration of exams; accreditation; question pools; documentation requirements E1F Miscellaneous rules: external RF power amplifiers; prohibited communications; spread spectrum; auxiliary stations; Canadian amateurs operating in the U.S.; special temporary authority; control operator of an auxiliary station Subelement E2 OPERATING PROCEDURES E2A Amateur radio in space: amateur satellites; orbital mechanics; frequencies and modes; satellite hardware; satellite operations E2B Television practices: fast scan television standards and techniques; slow scan television standards and techniques E2C Operating methods: contest and DX operating; remote operation techniques; Cabrillo format; QSLing; RF network connected systems E2D Operating methods: VHF and UHF digital modes and procedures; APRS; EME procedures; meteor scatter procedures E2E Operating methods: operating HF digital modes Subelement E3 RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION E3A Electromagnetic waves; Earth-Moon-Earth communications; meteor scatter; microwave tropospheric and scatter propagation; aurora propagation; ionospheric propagation changes over the day; circular polarization E3B Transequatorial propagation; long-path; grayline; ordinary and extraordinary waves; chordal hop; sporadic E mechanisms E3C Radio horizon; ground wave; propagation prediction techniques and modeling; effects of space weather parameters on propagation Subelement E4 AMATEUR PRACTICES E4A Test equipment: analog and digital instruments; spectrum analyzers; antenna analyzers; oscilloscopes; RF measurements; computer-aided measurements E4B Measurement technique and limitations: instrument accuracy and performance limitations; probes; techniques to minimize errors; measurement of Q; instrument calibration; S parameters; vector network analyzers E4C Receiver performance characteristics: phase noise, noise floor, image rejection, MDS, signal-to-noise ratio, noise figure, reciprocal mixing; selectivity; effects of SDR receiver non-linearity; use of attenuators at low frequencies E4D Receiver performance characteristics: blocking dynamic range; intermodulation and cross-modulation interference; third-order intercept; desensitization; preselector E4E Noise suppression and interference: system noise; electrical appliance noise; line noise; locating noise sources; DSP noise reduction; noise blankers; grounding for signals; common mode currents Subelement E5 ELECTRICAL PRINCIPLES E5A Resonance and Q: characteristics of resonant circuits: series and parallel resonance; definitions and effects of Q; half-power bandwidth; phase relationships in reactive circuits E5B Time constants and phase relationships: RL and RC time constants; phase angle in reactive circuits and components; admittance and susceptance E5C Coordinate systems and phasors in electronics: Rectangular Coordinates; Polar Coordinates; Phasors E5D AC and RF energy in real circuits: skin effect; electromagnetic fields; reactive power; power factor; electrical length of conductors at UHF and microwave frequencies; microstrip Subelement E6 CIRCUIT COMPONENTS E6A Semiconductor materials and devices: semiconductor materials; germanium, silicon, P-type, N-type; transistor types: NPN, PNP, junction, field-effect transistors: enhancement mode; depletion mode; MOS; CMOS; N-channel; P-channel E6B Diodes E6C Digital ICs: Families of digital ICs; gates; Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs) E6D Toroidal and Solenoidal Inductors: permeability, core material, selecting, winding; transformers; piezoelectric devices E6E Analog ICs: MMICs, IC packaging characteristics E6F Electro-optical technology: photoconductivity; photovoltaic devices; optical sensors and encoders; optical isolation Subelement E7 PRACTICAL CIRCUITS E7A Digital circuits: digital circuit principles and logic circuits; classes of logic elements; positive and negative logic; frequency dividers; truth tables E7B Amplifiers: Class of operation; vacuum tube and solid-state circuits; distortion and intermodulation; spurious and parasitic suppression; microwave amplifiers; switching-type amplifiers E7C Filters and matching networks: types of networks; types of filters; filter applications; filter characteristics; impedance matching; DSP filtering E7D Power supplies and voltage regulators; Solar array charge controllers E7E Modulation and demodulation: reactance, phase and balanced modulators; detectors; mixer stages E7F DSP filtering and other operations; software defined radio fundamentals; DSP modulation and demodulation E7G Active filters and op-amp circuits: active audio filters; characteristics; basic circuit design; operational amplifiers E7H Oscillators and signal sources: types of oscillators; synthesizers and phase-locked loops; direct digital synthesizers; stabilizing thermal drift; microphonics; high-accuracy oscillators Subelement E8 SIGNALS AND EMISSIONS E8A AC waveforms: sine, square, and irregular waveforms; AC measurements; average power and PEP of RF signals; Fourier analysis; analog to digital conversion: digital to analog conversion; advantages of digital communications E8B Modulation and demodulation: modulation methods; modulation index and deviation ratio; frequency and time division multiplexing; Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing E8C Digital signals: digital communication modes; information rate vs. bandwidth; error correction E8D Keying defects and overmodulation of digital signals; digital codes; spread spectrum Subelement E9 ANTENNAS AND TRANSMISSION LINES E9A Basic Antenna parameters: radiation resistance, gain, beamwidth, efficiency; effective radiated power E9B Antenna patterns and designs: E and H plane patterns; gain as a function of pattern; antenna modeling E9C Practical wire antennas; folded dipoles; phased arrays; effects of ground near antennas E9D Yagi antennas; parabolic reflectors; circular polarization; loading coils; top loading; feedpoint impedance of electrically short antennas; antenna Q; RF grounding E9E Matching: matching antennas to feed lines; phasing lines; power dividers E9F Transmission lines: characteristics of open and shorted feed lines; coax versus open-wire; velocity factor; electrical length; coaxial cable dielectrics E9G The Smith chart E9H Receiving Antennas: radio direction finding antennas; Beverage antennas; specialized receiving antennas; long-wire receiving antennas Subelement E0 SAFETY E0A Safety: RF radiation hazards; hazardous materials; grounding